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“Mine Water and the Environment”

Volume 13, Number 3–4, July–December 1994

PDFTiwary, R. K. & Dhar, B. B. (1994): Environmental Pollution from Coal Mining Activities in Damodar River Basin, India. – Mine Water and the Environment, 13: 1-9, 2 Abb., 2 Tab.; Wollongong.

PDFIndratna, B. & Singh, R. N. (1994): Distinct Element Analysis of Water Inflow to Underground Excavations. – Mine Water and the Environment, 13: 11-24, 6 Abb., 2 Tab.; Wollongong.

PDFJambrik, R. (1994): Determination of Consolidation Characteristics of Rockmass on the Basis of Water Level and Surface Subsidence Observations. – Mine Water and the Environment, 13: 25-34, 6 Abb., 2 Tab.; Wollongong.

PDFBanks, D. (1994): The Abandonment of the Killingdal Sulphide Mine, Norway: a Saga of Acid Mine Drainage and Radioactive Waste Disposal. – Mine Water and the Environment, 13: 35-47, 4 Abb., 1 Tab.; Wollongong.

PDFJambrik, R. & Bartha, M. (1994): Groundwater Quality Affected by Mining in the East Borsod Brown Coal Basin, Hungary. – Mine Water and the Environment, 13: 49-57, 6 Abb., 1 Tab.; Wollongong.

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 February 2012 13:11