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Home Journal Content

“Mine Water and the Environment”

Volume 17, Number 1–4, August 1998

PDFDiz, H. R. (1998): The Selective Oxide System: Acid Drainage Treatment that avoids the Formation of Sludge. - Mine Water and the Environment, 17: 1-7, 3 fig.; Colorado.

PDFHammack, R. W., de Vegt, A. L. & Schoeneman, A. L. (1998): The Removal of Sulfate and Metals from Mine Waters using Bacterial Sulfate Reduction: Pilot Plant Results. - Mine Water and the Environment, 17: 8-27, 7 fig., 5 tab.; Colorado.

PDFHellier, W. W. (1998): Abatement of Acid Mine Draiage by capping a reclamed Surface Mine with fluidized Combustion Ash. - Mine Water and the Environment, 17: 28-40, 13 fig., 3 tab.; Colorado.

PDFHelling, C., Nietzsche, O., Ullrich, B. & Merkel, B. (1998): The Influence of municipal Waste on Uranium Mill Tailings: A hydrogeochemical Study on a mixed Tailings Site. - Mine Water and the Environment, 17: 41-51, 3 fig.; 7 tab.; Colorado.

PDFIwanoff, A. (1998): Environmental Impacts of deep opencast Limestone Mines in Laegerdorf, Northern Germany. - Mine Water and the Environment, 17: 52-61, 2 fig.; 2 tab.; Colorado.

PDFOsiensky, J. L., Williams, R. E., Ralston, D. R., Johnson, G. S. & Mink, L. L. (1998): Simulation of electrical Potential Differences near a contaminant Plume excited by a Point Source of Current. - Mine Water and the Environment, 17: 62-71; Colorado.

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 February 2012 13:05  

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