IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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Home Journal Content

“International Journal of Mine Water”

Volume 7, Number 2, June 1988

PDFWheeler, A. (1988): Pumps and Pumping - What the Industry wants from Pump Manufacturers. - Int. J. Mine Water, 7: 1-6; Nottingham.

PDFKinnear, W. J. (1988): High Reliability Multistage Mine Dewatering Pumpsets. - Int. J. Mine Water, 7: 7-18, 5 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFWalker, S. C. (1988): An Introduction to Screw-Type Pumps within the Mining Industry. - Int. J. Mine Water, 7: 19-32, 5 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFMarr, C. E. (1988): Pumps and Pumping, remote Operation and Monitoring. - Int. J. Mine Water, 7: 33-46, 3 fig.; Nottingham.

Last Updated on Friday, 17 February 2012 19:58  

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IWMA's members promote an integrated approach to mine water management, combining specialist expertise in hydrology, hydraulics, hydrogeology and water quality with geotechnical, environmental and mining skills. Our extensive experience in wet, arid and cold climates enables us to provide cost-effective, practical solutions for your project, and identify methods for more efficient utilisation of water in mining and mineral processing.

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