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Home Journal Content List of Journals Mine Water and the Environment – Volume 13, Number 2, June 1994

“Mine Water and the Environment”

Volume 13, Number 2, June 1994

PDFStraskraba, V. & Abel, J. F. j. (1994): The Differences in Underground Mines Dewatering with the Application of Caving or Backfilling Mining Methods. - Mine Water and the Environment, 13 (2): 1-19, 3 fig., 3 tab.; Wollongong.

PDFYu, P. (1994): Surface Subsidence in the Karst Mining Area in China. - Mine Water and the Environment, 13 (2): 21-25, 2 tab.; Wollongong.

PDFKipko, E. Y., Polozov, Y. A., Zabora, V. V. & Smorondin, G. M. (1994): Groundwater Control in a Shaft Boring Operation. - Mine Water and the Environment, 13 (2): 27-31, 2 fig., 1 tab.; Wollongong.

PDFMuyunda, C. & Mwale, F. (1994): Electrical energy Usage at Konkola Division, Zambian Copper Belt. - Mine Water and the Environment, 13 (2): 33-39, 7 fig.; Wollongong.

PDFMorton, K. L. & Niekerk, F. A. v. (1994): Mine Drainage Control and Environment Protection by using Grouting Technology and the Hydrogeological Approach. - Mine Water and the Environment, 13 (2): 41-43; Wollongong.

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 February 2012 13:02  

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IMWA and the China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT) in Xuzhou/China signed a Memorandum of Understanding about future co-operation. In addition, CUMT explained that they are interested in hosting the IMWA 2014 Congress.