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Home IMWA Meetings Proceedings Proceedings 1994

“5th International Mine Water Association Congress”

Nottingham, UK 1994

Volume 1

PDFAljoe, W. W. & Hawkins, J. W. (1994): Application of aquifer testing in surface and underground coal mines. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 3-21; Nottingham.

PDFFotieva, N. N., Sammal, A. S. & Bulychev, N. S. (1994): Determination of Working Support Safety Factor at Great Heads of Mine Water. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 23-27, 2 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFGoetz, D., Roussel, V. & Tincelin, E. (1994): Cave Ins Linked to Mine Flooding. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 29-42, 5 fig., 4 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFWolkersdorfer, C. (1994): Changes in mine water hydrology during the flooding of an abandoned uranium mine in the Erzgebirge/Saxonia/Germany. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 43-55, 8 fig., 5 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFBasu, A. & Singh, R. N. (1994): Comparison of Darcy's Law and Fick's Law of Diffusion to Determine the Field Parameters Related to Methane Gas Drainage in Coal Seams. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 59-70, 11 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFBooth, C. J., Curtiss, A. M. & Miller, J. D. (1994): Groundwater Response to Longwall Mining, Saline County, Illinois, USA. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 71-81, 6 fig., 3 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFCain, P., Forrester, D. J. & Cooper, R. (1994): Water Inflow at Phalen Colliery in the Sydney Caolfield and their Realtion to Interaction of Workings. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 83-95, 8 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFGupta, P. K. & Singh, T. N. (1994): Water Resource Characterization of Underground Coal Working - A Case Study for Part of Jharia Coal Field. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 97-104, 2 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFReddish, D. J., Yao, X. L., Benbia, A., Cain, P. & Forrester, D. J. (1994): Modelling of Caving over the Lingan and Phalen Mines in the Sydney Coalfield Cape Breton. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 105-124, 14 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFStraskraba, V., Frank, J., Bosworth, W. C. & Swinehard, T. W. (1994): Study of the Impact of a Longwall Coal Mining Operation on Surface and Ground Water Resources at the Windsor Mine, West Virginia, USA. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 125-139, 4 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFNikraz, H. R., Evans, A. W. & Press, M. E. (1994): Effects of Mines Dewatering on Poorly Consolidated Sandstone. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 143-153, 7 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFQiang, W., Yujie, J., Dean, L., Yonghua, X., Yuelin, J. & Shuchong, Y. (1994): An Optimal Management Model for Stereo Prediction of Groundwater Inflows into an Operation Coal Mine in Jiu Lishan, China. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 155-162, 8 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFRouleau, A., Archambauld, G., Tremblay, D. & Gaudreault, M. (1994): The Distribution of Hydraulic Head and Conductivity Around Mine Drifts. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 163-169, 4 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFSammarco, O. (1994): Irregularities in Mine Drainage: Causes and Consequences. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 171-181, 3 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFDodds, J. E., Daly, E. P. & Cullen, K. T. (1994): Relationship Between Mining and Groundwater Within the Dolomites of Ireland. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 185-195, 3 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFHanna, T. M. & Streiff, R. E. (1994): Dewatering at Cove Mine, Nevada, USA. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 197-215, 9 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFKipko, E. Y., Polozov, Y. A. & Spichak, Y. N. (1994): Environmental Projection During Mining Diamond Deposits of Yakutiya with the Use of Grouting Curtains. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 217-227, 3 fig., 3 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFMulenga, S. C. & Chileshe, B. C. (1994): The Control of Mine Drainage Water at Konkola Underground Copper Mine - Zambia. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 229-244, 8 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFSilverton, T. R. & Morton, K. L. (1994): Impact of Groundwater on Mining at Finsch Diamond Mine. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 245-265, 9 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFKesserü, Z. (1994): In-mine sealing of water inrushes. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 269-280; Nottingham.

PDFKhyamylayainen, V. A. & Syrkin, P. S. (1994): Improved Technology of the Preliminary Cementation of Water-bearing Rocks. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 281-286, 3 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFLi, R. (1994): A New Addition Agent for Grouting Material Strengthening. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 287-297, 4 fig., 4 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFvan Schalkwyk, L. G. & Bellamy, R. E. S. (1994): Sealing of high pressure water fissures in South African Mines. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 299-316, 3 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFSpichak, Y. N. & Grinenko, A. N. (1994): Pregrouting of Rocks During Construction of Underground Railway Tunnels. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 317-322, 1 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFWen, G. L., Du, J. H., Wang, Z. H., Shi, S. M. & Chen, L. Y. (1994): Deep Bore Sealing Grout Technique to Strengthen and Suppress Water in Cracked and Faulted Zone of a Tunnel. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 323-330, 2 tab., 3 Kart.; Nottingham.

PDFArtemieva, E. L. & Stroganova (1994): Interpretation of Sealing Pressure as a Method of Determining the Parameters of Sealing Cover around the "MIR" Diamond Pie in Yakutia. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 333-337; Nottingham.

PDFIndraratna, B., Rambanda, P. & Singh, R. N. (1994): Numerical Analysis of Water Inflows to Underground Excavations - Current Status and Future Trends. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 339-354, 8 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFMisich, I., Evans, A., Jones & Odwyn (1994): Subsidence and Groundwater Management Through "Panel/Pillar" Mining in Western Australia. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 355-367, 9 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFRogoz, M. (1994): Computer Simulation of the Process of Flooding up a Group of Mines. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 369-377, 3 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFTianning, D., Guoxiong, L. & Jiahong, D. (1994): The Design and Construction of the Grout Jet to Seal an Underground Reservoir. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 379-384, 2 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFDudgeon, C. R. (1994): Baseline Data Requirements for Assessing and Predicting Environmental Effects of Open Pit Mining. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 387-400, 6 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFJeffery, R. I., Lloyd, J. W. & Stopher, A. (1994): Hydrogeological and Hydrochemical problems relation th the Smotherfly Opencast Coal Site: An Intergrated Approach to the Granting of a Discharge Licence. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 401-427, 15 fig., 5 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFJamal, A., Ratan, S. & Dhar, B. B. (1994): Water Quality Assessment and its Management in Opencast Coalmines - A Case Study. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 429-434, 1 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFJambrik, R. (1994): Environmental Effects of Dewatered Open Pit Mines. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 1: 435-440, 4 fig.; Nottingham.

Volume 2

PDFDudgeon, B. A. & Dudgeon, C. R. (1994): The Importance of Geological Investigations in Modelling the Effects of Dewatering Open Pit Mines - A Case Study. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 453-466, 6 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFPine, R. J., Pascoe, D. M. & Howe, J. (1994): Assessment of the Risk of Failure of Pit Slopes in China Clay Deposits of South West England. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 467-477, 4 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFRyumin, A. N. (1994): Calculation of the Deformation of Surface Mine Slopes Composed of Steeply Dipping Strata. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 479-495, 6 fig., 5 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFBrown, M. M. E., Atkinson, K., Wilkins, C. & Norton, P. J. (1994): Contaminated Mine Water Amelioration - Study of a Long Established Natural Wetland. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 499-519, 13 fig., 8 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFConnelly, R. J., Harcourt, K. J., Chapman, J. & Williams, D. (1994): Approache to Remediation of Ferruginous Discharges in the South Wales Caolfield. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 521-531, 2 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFGautama, R. S. (1994): Acid Water Problem in Bukit Asam Coal Mine, South Sumatra, Indonesia. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 533-542, 5 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFHamilton, R. M., Bowen, G. G., Postlethwaite, N. A. & Dussek, C. J. (1994): The abandonment of Wheal Jane, a tin mine in South West England. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 543-551, 4 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFHanzlík, J. (1994): Ecological Consequences of Uranium Mining in Northern Bohemia. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 553-560, 5 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFPearce, J. M. & Kemp, S. J. (1994): A Geochemical Study of Acid Mine Water from a Pyrite Mine, North Wales. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 561-575, 3 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFRastogi, V. (1994): Control of Mine Water Quality in Coal Rejects Disposal Areas and Coal Stockpiles With Bactericides. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 577-586, 7 fig., 6 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFvan Tonder, G. J., Maree, J. P. & Millard, P. (1994): Neutralization of Acid Coal Mine Water With Dolomite in a Fluidised-bed Reactor. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 587-597, 5 fig., 4 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFAdlem, C. J. L., Maree, J. P. & McCrindle, R. I. (1994): Water Softening in the Barium Sulphide Process for Sulphate Removal. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 601-611, 9 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFColdewey, W. G. & Semrau, L. (1994): Mine Water in the Ruhr Area (Federal Republic of Germany). – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 613-629, 7 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFDill, S., Du Preez, L., Graff, M. & Maree, J. (1994): Biological sulphate removal from acid mine drainage utilizing producer gas as carbon- and energy source - Process limitations and their resolution. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 631-641, 5 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFHamilton, R. M., Taberham, J., Waite, R. R. J., Cambridge, M., Coulton, R. H. & Hallewell, M. P. (1994): The development of a temporary treatment solution for the acid mine water discharge at Wheal Jane. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 643-656, 7 fig., 5 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFLebecka, J., Chalupnik, S., Michalik, B., Wysocka, M., Skubacz, K. & Mielnikow, A. (1994): Radioactivity of Mine Waters in Upper Silesian Coal Basin and its Influence on Natural Envrionment. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 657-662, 1 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFLebecka, J., Luksik, B. & Chalupnik, S. (1994): Purification of Saline Waters from Coal Mines from Radium and Barium. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 663-672, 6 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFRubinstein, Y. B., Perelyaev, Y. N. & Badenikov, V. J. (1994): Multisectional Technology of Waste Waters Purification. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 673-677; Nottingham.

PDFSingh, G. (1994): Augmentation of Underground Pumped Out Water for Potable Purpose from Coal Mines of Jharia Coalfield. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 679-689, 3 fig., 3 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFWalker, A. & Humphries, R. N. (1994): Modelling the Filtration of Surface Mineral Extraction Waste Water by Reed Bed Treatment Systems. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 691-702, 4 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFEllison, J. M. (1994): The Past We Inherit the Future We Build: Abandoned Mines and Minewater pollution. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 705-714, 3 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFKesserü, Z. (1994): Utilising the experience of mine water engineering for siting deep waste repositories. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 715-726; Nottingham.

PDFMetcalfe, B. (1994): Reclamation of Markedly Acidic Minestone Waste Tips Using Sewage Sludge as a Soil Forming Material. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 727-757, 13 fig., 17 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFPentreath, R. J. & Hamilton, R. M. (1994): A regulator's view of policy changes requiered in England and Wales to control the problems arising from abandoned mines. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 759-767, 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFSherwood, J. M. & Younger, P. L. (1994): Modelling Groundwater Rebound after Coalfield Closure: An Example from County Durham, UK. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 769-777, 4 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFWood, H. (1994): An Overview of Law and Environment Care Related to Mine Water Pollution. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 779-783; Nottingham.

PDFFarkas, I. (1994): Water Quality Control Related to Abandoning of Deep Bauxite Mines. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 787-797, 4 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFKropka, J. & Witkowski, A. (1994): Groundwater Quality Degradation in the Area of Abandoned Zn-Pb Ore Mines (Bytom Syncline - Southern Poland). – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 799-809, 2 fig., 1 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFRózkowski, A. & Rózkowski, J. (1994): Impact of Mine Waters on River Water Quality in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 811-821, 4 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFSivakumar, M., Morton, S. & Singh, R. N. (1994): Case History Analysis of Mine Water Pollution in New South Wales, Australia. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 823-834, 6 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

PDFSkawinski, R. (1994): Some Examples of Non-Compatibility of Saline Water and Rock. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 835-843, 6 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFSukhija, B. S., Reddy, D. V. & Nagabhushanam, P. (1994): Mine Water: Isotopic Evidence of Origin of Seepage and Hydrodynamic Behaviour. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 845-856, 7 fig.; Nottingham.

PDFYounger, P. L. & Bradley, K. F. (1994): Application of Geochemical Mineral Exploration Techniques to the Cataloguing of Problematic Discharges from Abandoned Mines in Norht-East England. – Proceedings, 5th International Mine Water Congress, Nottingham, U.K., 2: 857-871, 5 fig., 2 tab.; Nottingham.

Last Updated on Saturday, 25 February 2012 03:50  

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