IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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IMWA - What for and for what?

The International Mine Water Association (IMWA) is an interdisciplinary organization focused on various aspects of mine water, including its hydrology, chemistry, biology, environmental aspects, and potential reuse, as well as how best to control it through better prediction, management, and treatment. Some members of IMWA are experts in specific branches of natural sciences and technology and conduct research that is directly relevant to mine water problems while many others are practioners, consultants, and regulators who are interested in learning how the results of such research can be applied at specific sites.

IMWA was founded in 1979 in Granada, Spain as a result of interest shown at the “First International Mine Drainage Symposium”. Since then, we have organized a Congress every three years and annual symposia and workshops on topical subjects, which have included: Hydrogeology of Coal Basins; Mine Water and Pumping; Acid Mine Water; First African Mine Water Symposium; Water Resources at Risk; Engineering in Karst; and Mine Water and the Environment. More information and copies of past conference proceedings are available here.

Membership in IMWA is open to everyone with an interest in mine water, and all members receive a subscription to the journal “Mine Water and the Environment”, for which relevant papers are invited for publication. The journal attempts to bridge the gap between researchers and practioners by only publishing research papers that the editors believe are potentially relevant to real-world problems and by publishing case studies submitted by practioners.

The field of mine water management continues to evolve, and there are still many open issues, both on the theoretical and performance levels. IMWA provides a forum for an international discussion on a wide range of topics through its journal, annual meetings, and social media, including LinkedIn and Facebook.

Last Updated on Friday, 28 February 2014 07:28  

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Mine Water is the water that collects in both surface and underground mines. It comes from the inflow of rain or surface water and from groundwater seepage. During the active life of the mine, water is pumped out to keep the mine dry and to allow access to the ore body. Pumped water may be used in the extraction process, pumped to tailings impoundments, used for activities like dust control, or discharged as a waste. The water can be of the same quality as drinking water, or it can be very acidic and laden with high concentrations of potentially toxic elements.

(from UNEP/GRID-Arenda web site)