Modelling Hydrodynamics
and Water Quality of Pit Lakes - A Hands-on
Introduction to the Open Source Software PITLAKQ
Modelling pit lakes is a complex task. The recently open
sourced software PITLAKQ (
allows to model hydrodynamic processes
in the a pit lake such as temperature stratification.
Furthermore, transport of
constituents and a variety of chemical and biological
reactions can be modelled.
PITLAKQ is based on CE-QUAL-W2 (
combining their abilities but also
adds new features such as distributed groundwater exchange,
of the lake water with chemicals and accounting for the
impact of bank erosion
on the lake water quality.
This workshops introduces PITLAKQ and provides a hand-ons
tutorial in setting
up and running a model. It covers:
* Setting up a hydrodynamic model
* Generating model lake bathymetry
* Adding meteorological data as boundary condition
* Adding tributaries
* Running a hydrodynamic model
* Interpreting and presenting hydrodynamic results
* Setting up a water quality model
* Preprocessing initial and inflow concentrations
* Adding initial concentrations
* Adding concentrations to tributaries
* Running a water quality model
* Interpreting and presenting water quality results
* Varying the water quality processes
PITLAKQ solves complex problems and offers more than can be
covered in one day. The trainer
will be glad to answer questions that go beyond the
content described above.
Target Audience
Participants should have modeling experience with
CE-QUAL-W2, PHREEQC or comparable
models. They also need to have basic knowledge of important
pit lake processes.
Hard- and Software Requirements
Please bring a laptop with a Windows operating system.
PITLAKQ also runs on Linux but the setup is currently
still more complicated. You will
receive a copy of the modeling software at the beginning of
the workshop. If you have a
question about this, please contact the Trainer
(mmueller [at] hydrocomputing [dot] com).
The Trainer
The workshop is conducted by Dr. Mike Müller. He is the
author of PITLAKQ and has used
this software for variety of pit lakes. Mike Müller is CEO
of hydrocomputing (
and has many years o modelling
experience with many hydrological and water quality models.
The workshop is fee of charge. You still need to register
by email because seats are