Sunday 30 September 2012 |
Monday 1 October 2012 |
Tuesday 2 October 2012 |
Wednesday 3 October 2012 |
Thursday 4 October 2012 |
Friday 5 October 2012 |
Saturday 6 October 2012 |
Sunday 7 October 2012 |
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8:00 |
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8:10 |
Registration |
Transport from Bunbury to ECU |
Post Conference Tour |
Post Conference Tour |
8:10 |
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8:20 |
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8:30 |
Site-wide Mine Water Management Session
Plenary: Exemplar mine-site water
management A necessity in an era of climatic variability. Geoff
Pettifer 0122 |
AMD - Processes and treatment Session Plenary:
Where do we need to go to in mine water
management. C. Wolkersdorfer |
Mine Dewatering Session Plenary:
Mine dewatering and depressurisation:
Industry experiences and challenges Jon Hall |
8:30 |
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8:40 |
Welcome to Country |
Keynote 7: Paul Vogel, EPA strategies to address current mining
issues in Western Australia, in particular as they pertain to
water |
8:40 |
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8:50 |
Organiser Welcome |
8:50 |
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9:00 |
President Welcome and Mayoral address |
Forensic analysis of mine water impacts - A mass balance
approach. C. Gimber 0016 |
Review of sulphate reduction based bioprocesses for the
treatment of acid mine drainage and recovery of metals. A.
Kaksonen 0033 |
Shallow anthropogenic aquifers may provide a solution to reduce
nitrate in dirty mine water? F.Botha 0132 |
9:00 |
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9:10 |
John Finlay Jones welcome |
Technical Tours &
Tourist Tour in Bunbury |
Keynote 6: Sue Vink, Mine water management in variable climate
regimes 0142 |
Post Conference Tour |
9:10 |
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9:20 |
What is a representative pan factor value for the eastern
Pilbara? A. Jha 0067 |
Approaches to predetermine the variables affecting the
efficiency for the design of mining effluents and acidic
drainage treatment systems. N.H. Nora H. Panos 0031 |
Mine of the Future™: The automated mine dewatering design module
of PBMO™. E.Lim 0039 |
9:20 |
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9:30 |
Housekeeping |
9:30 |
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9:40 |
Keynote 1: David Jones, Water in mining challenges for the
Australian and international mining industry. 0141 |
Advances in hydrogeologic testing for mineral exploration. J.
Adams 0071 |
Research and development on passive mine drainage treatment
using anaerobic bioreactor. H. Furuya 0085 |
Dewatering of opencast mines using horizontal wells. H. Mansel
0082 |
Keynote 7: Adrian Brown, Bankable mine inflow and impact
determination 0052 |
Bus transfer Bunbury to Perth |
9:40 |
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9:50 |
9:50 |
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10:00 |
Hydraulic performance of liners in tailings management and heap
leach facilities. J. Waterhouse 0022 |
Stream sediment geochemistry of the Olifants catchment, South
Africa: Implication for acid mine drainage. R. Netshitungulwana
0073 |
Ecotoxicology of actively treated mine waters. A. Harford 0020 |
10:00 |
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10:10 |
Keynote 2: Phil Gorey, Key issues/challenges to the industry
including water supply, AMD and mine dewatering, and DMP’s
expectation |
Keynote 8: Maximising use of waters produced by mining
M.Schultze 0103 |
10:10 |
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10:20 |
Mt Leyshon gold mine automated monitoring network: Meeting
environmental and social commitments. R. Haymont 0054 |
Biological sulphate reduction of acid mine drainage using
primary sewage sludge. J. Poinapen 0102 |
An alternative approach to managing dewatering in an open pit
mine. S. Trott 0065 |
10:20 |
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10:30 |
10:30 |
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10:40 |
Morning Tea |
Morning Tea |
Morning Tea |
10:40 |
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10:50 |
10:50 |
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11:00 |
11:00 |
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11:10 |
Keynote 3: Pandey Sanjeev, Coal seam Assessment and management
of cumulative groundwater impacts from CSG extraction |
Abandoned Mine Issues Session Plenary:
The Collie Pit Lake District, Western Australia: An overview.
Mark Lund 0142 |
Mine Water Management: A Department of Water
Perspective: Water management
associated with the mining industry in Western Australia. M.
Leybourne |
Treatment and Disposal of Mine Waters
Session Plenary: Treatment and
disposal of mine waters J.Taylor |
Transport to ECU |
11:10 |
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11:20 |
11:20 |
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11:30 |
11:30 |
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11:40 |
Keynote 4: Andrew Moser, Coal Seam Gas Water Management
Exceeding Australia’s Most Stringent Water Conditions |
The status and implications of the AMD legacy facing South
Africa. M.Makgae 0030 |
Mine dewatering in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. H.
Mohsenzadeh & G. Humphreys |
The impact of co-disposal of sulphate brines on a fly-ash dam, a
study of the physical-chemical influence on drainage patterns G.
Steyl 0014 |
11:40 |
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11:50 |
Closure: Chair:
P. Rousseau.
Pit lakes as terminal sinks: a new
approach to best available practice mine closure. C. McCullough
Session sponsored by Aditya Birla |
Treatment and disposal of mine waters:
Chair: O. Novhe.
Zero Discharge Desalination (ZDD) technology
– Achieving maximum water recovery. A. Dal-Corobbo 0088 |
Acid mine drainage - processes and
Chair: G. Steyl.Treatment
plant to allow mine water release, Morro Da Mina, Brazil. S.
Hawker 0107 |
Coal mines - managing groundwater and
impacts for open pit and underground mines:
Chair: W. Timms.
Managing groundwater impacts at Loy Yang
coal mine Latrobe Valley, Victoria. G. Foley 0116 |
11:50 |
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12:00 |
Revegetation of historic acidic mine waste with
Agrostis capillaris
– Remediation strategy. S. Karlsson 0090 |
Collie Basin (Optimising water resource use). B. Thurlow |
Strategies to reduce AMD liability treatment costs at Stockton
Coal Mine, New Zealand D. Thomas 0064 |
12:00 |
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12:10 |
Transport |
Deriving surface water quality closure criteria for natural
waterbodies adjacent to an Australian uranium mine. C. Humphrey
0068 |
Membrane based water and wastewater treatment solutions. T.
Lilley 0006 |
Mineralogical and geochemical studies on pyrite and chalcopyrite
oxidations in the Sarcheshmeh copper mine tailings. S. Malakooti
0113 |
Simulation of water balance in dump slopes of open-cast mining
pits for geo-mechanical stability prognosis. P. Graeber 0135 |
12:10 |
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12:20 |
Antimony contamination at abandoned mine sites. R. Cidu 0036 |
Novel salt extractor system for Tailings, Mine Run-off, and the
International Space Station. B. Sparrow 0133 |
12:20 |
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12:30 |
The importance of having an agreed plan. J. Robertson 0108 |
Novel application of membrane distillation for acid and water
recovery of mining waste waters. U. Kesieme 0017 |
Assessing the acid and metalliferous leaching potential of a
mineral sands deposit: From field to laboratory. M. Landers 0119 |
12:30 |
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12:40 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
12:40 |
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12:50 |
Lunch |
12:50 |
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13:00 |
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14:00 |
14:00 |
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14:10 |
Geochemistry of mine waters Session Plenary:
Geochemical assessment of mineral waste through the mine life
cycle. Rosalind Green 0041 |
Pit Lakes Session Plenary:
Water and mining issues for mine closure in Western Australia.
Xuan Nguyen.
Session sponsored by Premier Coal |
Chair: John Waterhouse.
Is water conservation and water
demand management a real option? F. Botha 0131 |
Chair: Bob Kleinmann.
Groundwater-surface water
interaction; implications for the closure of open pit mines,
Pilbara region. S. Dogramaci 0136 |
Chair: Jennifer Geroni.
A novel approach to exploit
indigenous mining algal-microbes in a photo-rotating biological
contactor for heavy metal removal from acid mine drainage. S.
Orandi 0043 |
Mine water and climate change:
Chair: M. Worsa-Kozak.
Heat potential of a flooded mine in
the Siegerland-Wied District, Germany. G. Wieber 0021 |
Chair: Rosa Cidu.
Removal of lead and zinc from a
neutral mine water using iron tailings and iron oxyhydroxide
coated iron tailings. M. Backstrom 0060 |
Chair: Andrew Harford.
Concomitant removal of iron and NAPLs within
a mine water treatment system. J. Geroni 0025 |
14:10 |
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14:20 |
Uranium Mining and Water:
Chair: Danie Vermeulen.
Characterisation of hydrogeological
conditions and solute transport pathways in the region of the
Ranger Uranium Mine tailings storage facility, Northern
Territory, Australia. A. Puhalovich 0062 |
Groundwater and coal seam gas developments:
Chair: D. Bringemeier.
A South African perspective on shale gas
hydraulic fracturing. D. Vermeulen 0013 |
14:20 |
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14:30 |
The future of water in the mining industry. J. Rowe 0105 |
Best left to leach? Geochemical understanding of waste tips at
abandoned metal mines. A. Turner 0028 |
Treatment of acidic and neutral metal-laden mine waters with
bonemeal filters. M. Backstrom 0035 |
Climate science in mine water system design. J. Ahern 0111 |
Study on mine-influenced water and the possibility to extract
copper metal from tailings deposition in Bor, Serbia. N. Masuda
0063 |
Oxidation process and hydrology of tailings storage facilities (TSFs):
Implication for acid mine drainage from TSFs management - The
Witwatersrand experience, South Africa. B. Yibas 0077 |
14:30 |
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14:40 |
A critical review of static geochemical test methods applied to
mining wastes, including their applicability to field
conditions. P. Rousseau 0121 |
Improved calculation of groundwater heads for environmental
management in the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. G. Bekesi
0042 |
The implications of redox conditions for the perpetual
management of mine pit lakes. P. Whittle 0032 |
Leading practices for assessing the integrity of confining
strata: application to mining and coal-seam gas extraction. W.
Timms 0095 |
14:40 |
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14:50 |
Management of mine and tailings seepage water discharge in an
intensively used watershed. T. Metschies 0056 |
Keeping the lid on it. J. Robertson 0109 |
Effective desorption of metals from loaded biomass using
response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken design. E.
Fosso-Kankeu 0086 |
The impact of climate change on future flows in the Hotham
River. C. O'Hara 0024 |
The next step in the bioremediation of heavy metal polluted
water: development of suitable microbial-sorbent. E.
Fosso-Kankeu 0087 |
Application of a jet loop reactor to enhance removal of
sulphates from mine water using coal fly ash, lime and aluminium
hydroxide. W. Gitari 0080 |
14:50 |
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15:00 |
Revegetation of historic acidic mine waste with
Agrostis capillaris
– Impact on leachate composition in pot experiments. S. Karlsson
0089 |
Dewatering of a underground uranium mine in Northern
Saskatchewan, Canada. R. Bashir 0008 |
Upper and lower concentration thresholds for bioremediation of
acid mine drainage using bulk organic substrates. N.Kumar 0140 |
Hydrochemical compatibility assessments of aquifer injection of
treated coal seam gas water into Surat Basin aquifers. M.
Landers 0118 |
15:00 |
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15:10 |
Bus transfer Perth to Bunbury |
Reducing capital expenditure using probalistic simulation for
water management. A. Craven 0110 |
One and three dimensional modelling of sub-surface solute
transport processes in the region of Ranger Uranium Mine's
tailings storage facility, Northern Territory, Australia. A.
Puhalovich 0061 |
Liming of acid surface waters: Effect of water constituents and
material impurities on calcite dissolution kinetics. M. Schipek
0034 |
Modeling the impact of a possible climate change on the water
balance in post-mining areas R. Blankenburg 0081 |
A case study of underground brine storage. T. Harck 0124 |
Ettringite precipitation vs. nano-filtration for efficient
sulphate removal from mine water. E. Janneck 0074 |
15:10 |
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15:20 |
Zn-Al sulphate layered double hydroxide for Mo uptake. F.Frau
0019 |
Conclusions from using an active production well for mine
drawdown compliance. G. Bekesi 0044 |
Riverine breach and subsequent decant of an acidic pit lake:
evaluating the effects of riverine flow-through on lake
stratification and chemistry. C. McCullough 0011 |
Development of a management tool to optimize the beneficial
reuse of associated (produced) water in eastern Australia. R.
Jakubowski 0137 |
15:20 |
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15:30 |
Afternoon Tea |
15:30 |
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15:40 |
Afternoon Tea |
15:40 |
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15:50 |
Closing Ceremony |
15:50 |
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16:00 |
Chair: Chris Gimber.
Groundwater modelling meets geochemistry: Building the bridge
between FEFLOW and PHREEQC with IFMPhreeqc. E. De Sousa 0097 |
Chair: Fanie Botha:
Remediation strategy for a waste rock dump
at a uranium leach operation. M. Frenzel 0075 |
Chair: Jerry Vandenberg.
Pit lake modelling - The total system
approach. G. Roemer 0037 |
B. Allard.
Experience-based approaches to coal
mine groundwater evaluation in Kalimantan, Indonesia. J.
Waterhouse 0002 |
Tailing dam management practices - A review of three case
studies. G. Thorne 0139 |
An evaluation on coal mining safety above high pressure confined
aquifers in a deep coalmine. W. Sui 0096 |
Treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD) using iron oxides. J.
Navratil 0007 |
Evaluation of the applicability of the passive treatment for the
management of polluted mine water in the Witwatersrand
Goldfields, South Africa. N.O. Novhe 0051 |
16:00 |
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16:10 |
Analysis of Pit Lakes Using Integrated Surface Water Groundwater
Simulation. V. Guvanasen. 0156 |
Investigation of phosphatic-vermiculite-heavy metal interaction
and the implication to pollution of Solati River in Limpopo
Province, South Africa. H. Mengistu. 0155 |
16:10 |
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16:20 |
Getting rid of chemical analysis – Mine water management with
indicator parameters. C. Wolkersdorfer 0101 |
Review of solute selection for water quality and bioaccumulation
monitoring at a Northern Australian uranium mine. A. Frostick
0104 |
Post-Closure Mining Pit Lake Water Quality Modelling D. Dettrick
0045 |
Water security and engineering innovation for the Southdown
Project. D. Visser 0005 |
Sustainable “zero discharge” approach – practical examples from
active and ceased mining operations in South Eastern Europe. B.
Tabakov 0125 |
Manganese and vanadium uptake by Cynodon
dactylon grass species: A case study
in New Union Gold Mine tailings, Limpopo, South Africa. J. Gumbo
0076 |
Removal of vanadium from neutralized acid mine drainage (AMD) by
adsorption to saw dust. B. Allard 0091 |
Influence of acid mine drainage on river water quality in the
vicinity of the Osamu Utsumi uranium mine, Caldas Minas Gerais,
Brazil. C. A. de Carvalho Filho 0083 |
16:20 |
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16:30 |
16:30 |
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16:40 |
Predicting the acid production potential of Mpumalanga coal
mines. G. Steyl 0038 |
Dispersion of heavy metals at Louis Moore gold tailings dam,
Limpopo Province, South Africa. J. Ogola 0126 |
Inrush and mine inundation - A real threat to Australian coal
mines? D. Bringemeier 0047 |
Role of private sector and national policy for rehabilitation of
abandoned mines in Portugal. H. M. Anawar 0084 |
Former pit mine dive parks. P. Buzzacott 0099 |
Influence of mine water on surface water in Milek catchment (Sowie
Mts., SW Poland). M. Worsa-Kozak 0098 |
Evaluating the environmental impacts after the closure of mining
activities, using remote sensing and GIS methods. The case study
of Aliveri mine area. E. Vasileiou 0050 |
Optimisation of a floating sulphur biofilm in a passive acid
mine drainage treatment system. N. Mooruth 0069 |
16:40 |
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16:50 |
Transport back to Bunbury |
16:50 |
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17:00 |
Transport (to and from Bunbury) |
Assessment of Lake Carey During Flood: A Temporary Aquatic
System Subject to Mine Dewatering. F. Taukulis |
A vertical flow reactor for removal of iron from zinc-rich AMD.
K. Florence 0004 |
Seawater desalination of the Chilean coast for water supply to
the mining industry. F. Knops 0009 |
Investigation of the quality of water samples in the entrance
and effluents from the Sarcheshmeh copper mine tailings, Kerman,
Iran. S. Malakooti 0112 |
17:00 |
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17:10 |
Bus transfer Bunbury to Perth |
17:10 |
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17:20 |
IMWA Executive Meeting |
Transport back to Bunbury |
17:20 |
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17:30 |
17:30 |
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17:40 |
Welcome Reception @ Koombana Bay Sailing Club |
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17:50 |
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18:00 |
Free Evening |
Transport from Bunbury to Venue |
18:00 |
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18:10 |
Aussie BBQ |
Conference Dinner @ Southwest Italian Club |
Transfer bus to Perth |
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Transport back to Bunbury |